Last night Andy made me such a delicious dinner. Being that he's a sous chef, many think I eat like a queen all of the time. That is far from the truth. He's at work Tuesday through Saturday until late which means I eat dinner alone and I eat whatever I manage to put together. On the days he's off, the last thing I want to make him do is something he already does for 8 hours straight five days a week. So I usually put something together for dinner when we can actually sit down together to eat.
I am very far from the cooking level as a sous chef. So when Andy does get a chance to make something, it's very special. Last night he made his version of chicken scampi. I just learned that scampi actually is the name of a small kind of lobster. This dish, however, had no lobster.
I told Andy that if he cooked like this for me all of the time that I would end up as large as a whale. I devoured this. No correction, I inhaled this. It was SO good!