April 1, 2012

April Fools, My Boys, and Wrestlemania

Hello everyone and Happy April Fools.

I somehow had forgotten it was April 1st this morning and was pranked by a 7 year old lol.  Somehow she found my number 1 fear, spiders eek!, and told me that there was one on my head.  Naturally when anyone tells me there's a spider within 10 feet of me, I panic and freak out and make a big scene.  Foolishly for me I did the same today...Good job Destiny!

Noah is getting closer and closer to being able to sit up on his own.  Not quite ready so he still needs the help of his trusty bumbo chair.  He's also been pretty stubborn.  He rolled from front to back and back to front only once and that was a while ago.  Since then he has refused to do it again.  Finally today he rolled from front to back 2 times in a row.  I'm pretty sure he's just been being a little bit lazy. 

Not only is today April 1st or April Fools Day, but it just so happens to be one of Andy's favorite days of the year.  WRESTLEMANIA!!!  I have to say that I use to sit there and make fun of wrestling and everyone involved when I first watched it with Andy.  Little did I know that I soon got excited for Monday's so I could watch it with him just to make fun of everyone.  So now I'm also addicted and look forward to wrestlemania.  Noah's looking forward to his first wrestlemania too. 

He and daddy are so excited that they are making sure to get plenty of rest so they can stay up and watch!