March 28, 2012

Tragedy Strikes Home

I really hate to do a sad post, however something positive has happened since a horrible incident happened so close to my home.  I haven't talked about it yet because I was a bit too emotional and I was wanting to try and focus on more positive things.  I always thought I'd be safe at home, especially in the small town of Danville, VT.  I mean, I grew up around Youngstown which was once rated as one of the most dangerous cities in the US.  The small town of Danville seemed like one of the safest places to be.  But after this past Sunday, I began to wonder if that was in fact true.

This past Monday morning I woke up to some extremely disturbing news from my husband.  He had just got word from his sister that a longtime friend and co-worker of his had gone missing.  Of course this news was most shocking, but the most shocking part of it all was the details which unfolded further.  She lived in Danville on a back road which is frequently traveled by people trying to avoid the busier main road traffic.  Not far from her home, her car was discovered still running with hazard lights on and she was nowhere in sight and her 2 year old son was still in the back seat! That last bit of information probably struck my heart the most.  That poor sweet little boy!  I'm not going to go into much more details but just say that she was later found Monday afternoon and it wasn't a good outcome.  You can read more about it here.

Now this is a horrible tragedy but the worst part is that this is someone I knew and that Andy was good friends with.  He had worked with her for about the past 12 years.  She was one of the sweetest people I had met here.  She has the most adorable little boy, Ty, which she loved more than anything.  Such a generous person she had been giving us toys, dvds, and clothes for Noah that were passed down from Ty.  It's just such a shame that something this horrible had to happen to someone with such a big heart.  She and her son definitely didn't deserve this.

These past few days I've been extremely sad and emotional but also scared to be home by myself wondering...was it something done to her for a reason or just a random thing?  Will they strike again?  Am I safe?  It's a very scarey thing!  I can't even begin to explain how horrible it's been to see so many people I know just completely heartbroken about this!

Now you're probably wondering what the positive is that has come out of this.  Well it's not much but the police have finally found 2 people, a husband and wife, and arrested them.  I know that one thing that I and everyone else around here want is for whoever did this to be found and caught.  So since that's happened, it's at least a step in the right direction and might ease my mind about being home alone slightly.  Well...maybe... 

You can also check here for more on the arrests.

I just ask if you can please keep everyone involved and the town of Danville in your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Shannon~ That is scary when it hits so close to home.Surprising they must have been very bold to take a woman with a child.Poor Ty with no momma because of some sick person/persons.Keep your doors locked till they are sure the got the right person.~Amy
